Creating a Community for LoRa Innovation

LoRa Central

Connecting with others who share your passion for LoRa can spark a rush of innovation. Attending a LoRa industry event to discuss your work or meeting someone who has experience with the exact problem you're trying to solve is incredibly valuable and exciting. Sadly, the energy and connections fade after the show.

What if you could keep that energy going? Now you can.

Introducing LoRa Central. The ultimate social and business hub for LoRa innovators.

What is LoRa Central?

LoRa Central is a Discord server for all things LoRa. You’ll have access to FAQs, forums, live chat, broadcast events, socializing, and more. Here are some of the many topics you can discuss:

• LoRaWAN - the juggernaut
• Amazon Sidewalk - the new kid on the block
• Proprietary LoRa projects - for the mavericks
• Hardware - everything beyond LoRa
• Infrastructure, cloud, visualizations
• Manufacturing
• Jobs
• Market verticals
• And so much more!

Your active participation makes it better for everyone. You can get help, give help, show off, or just chat with others who are passionate about LoRa whenever you like.

What is Discord?

If you’re not familiar with Discord, you should be. The online platform has more than 196 million monthly active users. Discord is an efficient platform to build communities around topics that you love.

There’s no cost to participate in LoRa Central. All you need is a free Discord account and agree to the community's rules.

Why did Deviceroy create LoRa Central?

Our company culture is founded on collaboration. Until now, there has never been a global platform where LoRa users could spontaneously and continuously come together. Think of this as one of our ways to “pay it forward.” It can also be yours.

Generous companies like Semtech helped our company early on, and we want to help others where we can, too. There are many innovative people and ideas that could become much more if they had access to the knowledge of seasoned companies. We know that this is possible. - Steve Ellis, CEO at Deviceroy

Although Deviceroy created LoRa Central, it is your space, not ours. We make no money from this, give ourselves no preferential treatment, and even set administrators and moderators from other companies. This is a neutral zone for everyone to be successful.

LoRa has a steep learning curve, and it’s evolving quickly. This can make it difficult for people to stay on top of what they should know about. It can also make it hard to find the information and resources they need to move their projects forward.

What can I expect from LoRa Central?

The LoRa Central community will become whatever you make of it. The more you interact, the more others will too. This will make an exciting place for all LoRa users. No matter your experience level, LoRa Central will be a place to ask questions, learn more about new technologies, and network with other people who are innovating with LoRa.

And the focus doesn’t stop there. As the LoRa Central community grows, new channels can be added to help facilitate more collaboration.

What’s the catch?

Good karma? Seriously, the catch is the greater good.

Join LoRa Central